
Recommended WordPress Themes

View our favorite themes and use them in your next project

Classic vs Block Themes in WordPress

If editing or creating a theme or child theme then you will need to know a few things which have changes with the release of block themes.

Factors to consider when choosing a theme in WordPress?

In addition to a theme you should also consider using a Page Builder or the default Gutenberg Editor. Both augment the theme you have.

What are Page Builders in WordPress and do I need one? (alternatives)

Page Builders are themes or plugins which give you a lot of front end (read: stylistic) design functionality either through blocks or templates. They tend to be convenient if you are not good at coding and inconvenient if you are. Use that to figure out if you need one or not.

How to write CSS in WordPress

CSS syntax remains the same all the time you can add CSS to WordPress in multiple ways both from the CMS and from the code for developers.

How to edit your WordPress files

Edit your WordPress site files in multiple ways eg from the CMS, via FTP, your local computer, server file manager on your server and GIT.

How to install and customize a Theme in WordPress

You can install and customize a theme from within the CMS with little to no coding ability.

How to add a shortcode to a page or post in WordPress Editor

You can add or execute a shortcode to a page or post in WordPress by going to the editor for that page and adding the correct syntax depending on the shortcode in question.

What is the fastest page builder for WordPress?

We compare popular page builders by some basic site speed metrics in order for you to understand which ones are built for performance.

Best WordPress Themes for Developers and CMS Users (simple, white space)

Here are a few simple and lightweight themes I've used and that other devs have found useful, Sintra, Intuitive which I describe in this post

Best Practices to update your WP themes, plugins and WP Core

Themes, plugins and WP code itself needs updating every 4 weeks but this can also break your site I’ll show you how to fix this also.

Recommended WordPress themes

These themes are perfect for User Experience, reading online or using as a base for your next project.

How to create your own child theme in WordPress with Code or a Plugin

Overriding a WordPress theme requires a 'child theme'. Do this via a plugin or by manually creating a set of files and uploading them.

How to create a custom WordPress page template

Create a custom page template in WordPress by adding a new php file to your theme and add some specific HTML and PHP content to it.

CSS & PHP variables

You can add dynamic PHP variables to CSS or Javascript in WordPress by writing CSS/JS in a php file or by writing inline CSS/JS.

How to fix 'jQuery is not defined' error in WordPress

'jQuery is not defined' is usually because the jQuery you are trying to execute is loading before the jQuery library from WP itself.

Add CSS or Javascript to admin area in WordPress

There are two hooks you can use to add CSS and or JS to the Admin Area of your CSS those being 'wp_enqueue_style' and 'wp_enqueue_script'.

How to search for partial match display names of WordPress users

You can use the WP_USER_QUERY Class to search through the display_name column of WordPress Users in the Database and return those users.

Autocomplete dropdown in WordPress without a plugin

Create an 'autocomplete dropdown' in WordPress without a plugin with the code in this tutorial. Just copy and paste.

How to do custom AJAX in a WordPress theme or plugin

This article shows you how to do an AJAX call which you can alter as per your specific needs in your child theme or plugin code.

Add a Shortcode via PHP in WordPress (with examples)

A WordPress ShortCode can be executed programmatically, by adding some code to the functions.php file of your WordPress site, in PHP or in the CMS editor.

How do I get user meta in WordPress?

You can get WP User Meta Data in 3 different ways in WordPress using PHP. These functions are, get_userdata() native function get_user_meta() native function or by using the WP User Object if your are in an Object Orientated situation

How to debug wordpress SQL queries

To diagnose queries you can either print out them on a page or use a server app (called PHP X-RAY) to identify the points of congestion.

Get WordPress Posts By Category

A taxonomy is simply 'a way to group various similar objects or items'. I say this because understanding the various ways to get Categories in WordPress depends what kind of Taxonomy you are trying to get. You can employ different methods of accessing the WordPress Database (via PHP functions) to get these various types of Taxonomies.

Get WordPress Posts by ACF Field

ACF Fields are stored on a post as 'meta_data' and as such the solution to get posts by ACF Field is to get the post by its meta data.